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education [2022/02/25 10:59]
education [2024/05/16 16:23]
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-  * [[education/​ca_2021|Concurrent Algorithms]] (theory & practice) +  * [[education/​ca_2023|Concurrent Algorithms]] (theory & practice) 
-  * [[education/​da|Distributed Algorithms]] (theory & practice)+  * [[education/​da_2023|Distributed Algorithms]] (theory & practice)
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 The lab taught in the past the following courses: The lab taught in the past the following courses:
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   * **[[cryptocurrencies|Cryptocurrencies]]**:​ We have several project openings as part of our ongoing research on designing new cryptocurrency systems. Please contact [[rachid.guerraoui@epfl.ch|Prof. Rachid Guerraoui]].   * **[[cryptocurrencies|Cryptocurrencies]]**:​ We have several project openings as part of our ongoing research on designing new cryptocurrency systems. Please contact [[rachid.guerraoui@epfl.ch|Prof. Rachid Guerraoui]].
-  * **On the design and implementation of scalable and secure blockchain algorithms**: Consensus has recently gained in popularity with the advent of blockchain technologiesUnfortunatelymost blockchains do not scale duein partto their centralized ​(leader-basedlimitation. We recently ​designed a promising fully decentralised (leader-less) algorithm that promises to scale to large networksThe goal of this project is to implement it in rust and compare its performance on AWS instances against a traditional leader-based alternative like BFT-Smart whose code will be provided. Contact [[https://​people.epfl.ch/​vincent.gramoli|Vincent Gramoli]] for more information.+  * **Tackling data heterogeneity in Byzantine-robust ML**: Context: Distributed ML is a very effective paradigm to learn collaboratively when all users correctly follow ​the protocolHoweversome users may behave adversarially and measures should be taken to protect against such Byzantine behavior [ [[https://​papers.nips.cc/​paper/​2017/​hash/​f4b9ec30ad9f68f89b29639786cb62ef-Abstract.html|1]][[https://​proceedings.mlr.press/​v162/​farhadkhani22a.html|2]] ]. In real-world settingsusers have different datasets ​(i.e. non-iid), which makes defending against Byzantine behavior challenging,​ as was shown recently ​in  [ [[https://​proceedings.neurips.cc/​paper/​2021/​hash/​d2cd33e9c0236a8c2d8bd3fa91ad3acf-Abstract.html|3]], [[https://​openreview.net/​forum?​id=jXKKDEi5vJt|4]] ]. Some defenses were proposed ​to tackle data heterogeneity,​ but their performance ​is suboptimal ​on simple learning tasks. Goal: Develop defenses with special emphasis on empirical performance and efficiency in the heterogeneous setting. Contact [[https://​people.epfl.ch/​youssef.allouah?​lang=en|Youssef Allouah]] for more information.
-  * **Making Blockchain Accountable**: Abstract: ​One of the key drawback of blockchain is its lack of accountabilityIn fact, it does not hold participants responsible for their actionsThis is easy to see as a malicious ​or Byzantine user typically double spends in a branch of blocks ​that disappears from the system, hence remaining undetectedAccountability is often thought to be communication costlyto detect ​malicious participants who has sent deceitful messages to different honest participants ​for them to disagreeone may be tempted ​to force each honest participant to exchange all the messages they receive ​and cross-check themHoweverwe have recently designed an algorithm that shares the same communication complexity as the current consensus algorithms of existing blockchainsThe goal of this project is to make blockchains accountable by implementing this accountable consensus algorithm ​and comparing it on a distributed set of machines ​against ​baseline implementation. Contact [[https://​people.epfl.ch/​vincent.gramoli|Vincent Gramoli]] for more information.+  * **Benchmark to certify Byzantine-robustness in ML**: Context: Multiple attacks have been proposed to instantiate a Byzantine adversary in distributed ML [ [[https://​proceedings.neurips.cc/​paper/​2019/​hash/​ec1c59141046cd1866bbbcdfb6ae31d4-Abstract.html|1]], [[https://​proceedings.mlr.press/​v115/​xie20a.html|2]] ]. While these attacks have been successful against known defenses, it remains unknown whether stronger attacks existAs such, a strong benchmark ​is needed, ​to go beyond the cat-and-mouse game illustrating the existing research. Ideally, similar to other ML subfields such as privacy-preserving ML or adversarial examples, the desired benchmark should guarantee ​that no stronger attack existsGoalDevelop ​strong benchmark ​for attacks in Byzantine ML. Contact [[https://​people.epfl.ch/​youssef.allouah?​lang=en|Youssef Allouah]] for more information. 
 +  * **Evaluating Distributed Systems**: By naturedistributed systems are hard to evaluate. Deploying real world systems ​and orchestrating large scale experiments require dedicated software and expensive infrastructureAs a resultmany widespread distributed systems are not properly evaluated, tested on uncomparable or irreproductible setupsProjects ​of this category aim to build efficient ​and scalable evaluation tools for distributed ​systems. Diablo-related projects involve building a test harness for evaluating blockchains (skills required: network programming,​ blockchain, Go, C++). Another ​set of projects focus on creating large networks simulators able to emulate hundreds of powerful ​machines ​from single physical server (skills required: system programming,​ virtualization,​ C, C++). Contact [[https://​people.epfl.ch/​gauthier.voron/?​lang=en|Gauthier Voron]] for more information.
   * **Robust mean estimation**:​ In recent years, many algorithms have been proposed to perform robust mean estimation, which has been shown to be equivalent to robust gradient-based machine learning. A new concept has been proposed to define the performance of a robust mean estimator, called the [[https://​arxiv.org/​abs/​2008.00742|averaging constant]] (along with the Byzantine resilience). This research project consists of computing the theoretical averaging constant of different proposed robust mean estimators, and to study their empirical performances on randomly generated vectors. Contact [[https://​people.epfl.ch/​sadegh.farhadkhani?​lang=en|Sadegh Farhadkhani]] for more information.   * **Robust mean estimation**:​ In recent years, many algorithms have been proposed to perform robust mean estimation, which has been shown to be equivalent to robust gradient-based machine learning. A new concept has been proposed to define the performance of a robust mean estimator, called the [[https://​arxiv.org/​abs/​2008.00742|averaging constant]] (along with the Byzantine resilience). This research project consists of computing the theoretical averaging constant of different proposed robust mean estimators, and to study their empirical performances on randomly generated vectors. Contact [[https://​people.epfl.ch/​sadegh.farhadkhani?​lang=en|Sadegh Farhadkhani]] for more information.
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   * **Accelerate Byzantine collaborative learning**: [[https://​arxiv.org/​abs/​2008.00742|Our recent NeurIPS paper]] proposed algorithms for collaborative machine learning in the presence of Byzantine nodes, which have been proved to be near optimal with respect to optimality at convergence. However, these algorithms require all-to-all communication at every round, which is suboptimal. This research consists of designing a practical solution to Byzantine collaborative learning, based on the idea of a random communication network at each round, with both theoretical guarantees and practical implementation. Contact [[https://​people.epfl.ch/​sadegh.farhadkhani?​lang=en|Sadegh Farhadkhani]] for more information.   * **Accelerate Byzantine collaborative learning**: [[https://​arxiv.org/​abs/​2008.00742|Our recent NeurIPS paper]] proposed algorithms for collaborative machine learning in the presence of Byzantine nodes, which have been proved to be near optimal with respect to optimality at convergence. However, these algorithms require all-to-all communication at every round, which is suboptimal. This research consists of designing a practical solution to Byzantine collaborative learning, based on the idea of a random communication network at each round, with both theoretical guarantees and practical implementation. Contact [[https://​people.epfl.ch/​sadegh.farhadkhani?​lang=en|Sadegh Farhadkhani]] for more information.
-  * **Decentralize Tournesol’s learning algorithms**:​ The [[https://​tournesol.app/​|Tournesol platform]] leverages the contributions of its community of contributors to assign a « should be more recommended » score to YouTube videos rated by the contributors,​ using a learning algorithm. Currently, the computations are performed on a central server. But as Tournesol’s user base grows, and as more sophisticated learning algorithms are considered for deployment, there is a growing need to decentralize the computations of the learning algorithm. This project aims to build a framework, which will enable Tournesol users to run part of the computations of Tournesol’s scores directly in their browsers. Contact [[https://​people.epfl.ch/​le.hoang/?​lang=en|Lê Nguyên Hoang]] for more information. 
-  * **Listening to the silent majority**: Vanilla machine learning from user-generated data inevitably favors those who generated the most amounts of data. But this means that learning algorithms will be optimized for these users, rather than for the silent majority. This research aims to correct for this bias, by trying to infer what data the majority would have likely generated, and by inferring what the models would have learned if the silent majority’s data was included in the training of the models. It involves both designing algorithms, proving correctness and implementing them. This research is motivated by the [[https://​tournesol.app/​|Tournesol project]]. Contact [[https://​people.epfl.ch/​le.hoang/?​lang=en|Lê Nguyên Hoang]] for more information. 
-  * **Should experts be given more voting rights?**: This is a question that Condorcet tackled in 1785, through what is now known as the jury problem. However, his model was crude and does not apply to many critical problems, e.g. determining if a video on vaccines should be largely recommended. This research aims to better understand how voting rights should be allocated, based not only on how likely voters are to be correct, but also on the correlations between the voters’ judgments. So far, it involves mostly a theoretical analysis. This research is motivated by the [[https://​tournesol.app/​|Tournesol project]]. Contact [[https://​people.epfl.ch/​le.hoang/?​lang=en|Lê Nguyên Hoang]] for more information. 
   * **Probabilistic Byzantine Resilience**: ​ Development of high-performance,​ Byzantine-resilient distributed systems with provable probabilistic guarantees. Two options are currently available, both building on previous work on probabilistic Byzantine broadcast: (i) a theoretical project, focused the correctness of probabilistic Byzantine-tolerant distributed algorithms; (ii) a practical project, focused on numerically evaluating of our theoretical results. Please contact [[matteo.monti@epfl.ch|Matteo Monti]] to get more information.   * **Probabilistic Byzantine Resilience**: ​ Development of high-performance,​ Byzantine-resilient distributed systems with provable probabilistic guarantees. Two options are currently available, both building on previous work on probabilistic Byzantine broadcast: (i) a theoretical project, focused the correctness of probabilistic Byzantine-tolerant distributed algorithms; (ii) a practical project, focused on numerically evaluating of our theoretical results. Please contact [[matteo.monti@epfl.ch|Matteo Monti]] to get more information.
-  * **Distributed coordination using RDMA.** RDMA (Remote Direct Memory Access) ​allows accessing a remote machine'​s memory without interrupting its CPU. This technology is gaining traction over the last couple of years, as it allows ​for the creation of real-time distributed systems. RDMA allows for communication ​to take place close to the μsec scalewhich enables ​the design ​and implementation of systems ​that process requests in only tens of μsecCurrent ​research focuses on achieving real-time failure detection through ​combination of novel algorithm designlatest hardware and linux kernel customization. Fast failure detection over RDMA brings ​the notion ​of availability to a new level, essentially allowing modern systems ​to enter the era of 7 nines of availabilityContact ​[[https://​people.epfl.ch/​athanasios.xygkis|Athanasios Xygkis]] and [[https://​people.epfl.ch/​antoine.murat|Antoine Murat]] for more information.+  * **Microsecond-scale dependable systems.** Modern networking technologies such as RDMA (Remote Direct Memory Access) ​allow for sub-microsecond ​communication ​latency. Combined with emerging data center architecturessuch as disaggregated resources pools, they open the door to novel blazing-fast ​and resource-efficient ​systems. ​Our research focuses on designing such microsecond-scale systems that can also tolerate faults. Our vision is that tolerating network asynchrony as well as faults (crash and/or Byzantine) is mustbut that it shouldn'​t affect ​the overall performance ​of a system. We achieve this goal by devising and implementing novel algorithms tailored for new hardware and revisiting theoretical models ​to better reflect modern data centersPrevious work encompasses microsecond-scale (BFT) State Machine Replication,​ Group Membership Services and Key-Value Stores (OSDI'​20,​ ATC'22 and ASPLOS'​23). Overall, if you are interested in making data centers faster and safer, contact ​[[https://​people.epfl.ch/​athanasios.xygkis|Athanasios Xygkis]] and [[https://​people.epfl.ch/​antoine.murat|Antoine Murat]] for more information.
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-  * **Byzantine-resilient heterogeneous GANs**: Byzantine-resilient federated learning has emerged as a major theme over the last couple of years, in grand part due to the need to distribute machine learning across many nodes, due to performance and privacy concerns. Until now it has focused on training a single model across many workers and many parameter serves. While this approach has brought on formidable results - including in GAN training, the topic of efficient, distributed and byzantine-resilient training of heterogeneous architectures remain relatively unexplored. In the context of Generative adversarial networks (GANs), such learning is critical to training light discriminators that can specialize in detecting specific featuers of generator-generated images. The goal of this project will be to investigate the potential for GAN training process poisonning by malicious discriminators and generators and investigate efficient protocols to ensure the training process robustness. You will need to have experience with scientific computing in Python, ideally with PyTorch experience, and notions of distributed computing. Contact [[https://​people.epfl.ch/​andrei.kucharavy|Andrei Kucharavy]] for more information. 
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 If the subject of a Master Project interests you as a Semester Project, please contact the supervisor of the Master Project to see if it can be considered for a Semester Project. If the subject of a Master Project interests you as a Semester Project, please contact the supervisor of the Master Project to see if it can be considered for a Semester Project.
-EPFL I&C duration, credits and workload information are available [[https://​www.epfl.ch/​schools/​ic/​education/​|here]]Don't hesitate to contact the project supervisor if you want to complete your Semester Project outside the regular ​semester ​period.+EPFL I&C duration, credits and workload information are available ​on [[https://​www.epfl.ch/​schools/​ic/​education/​master/​semester-project-msc/|https://www.epfl.ch/​schools/​ic/​education/​master/​semester-project-msc/​]]