
Microbench aims at comparing STM performance against performance of lock-based and lock-free alternatives. It comprises common data structures: linked list, skip list, hashtable…

  • It provides lock-free algorithms (e.g., harris-michael, fraser's lock-free skip-list).
  • It also features fine-grained locking algorithms (e.g., lazy linked list, optimistic skip list).
  • Finally, the TM benchmarks derive from the STM-based linked list test of TinySTM and it includes the SUN STM-based red-black tree benchmark.

The current version can be downloaded here.

Crain T., Gramoli, V., Raynal, M. (2009) A Speculation-Friendly Binary Search Tree. Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP).

Dragojevic A., Felber P., Gramoli V., Guerraoui R. (2011) Why STM can be more than a Research Toy. Communications of the ACM (CACM).

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